Angular CLI, Java EE and REST : tutorial and quick starter code for Hello World


Problem we need a new web application that uses Java EE as backend and Angular as frontend. It should be easy to configure.
Solution you can find the code of the application here: The scope of the application is limited (1 angular route, 1 http service, only a JSON ressource), this allow you to start with a clean application. I will build another app to shows some other features.


  • frontend built and compatible with Angular CLI
  • configured to use the development and production mode of WebPack
  • ready to use out of the box
  • build a WAR file compatible with Java EE servers (JBoss, Payara/Glassfish etc.)
  • it comes with all the nice features of Angular CLI: tests, good practices etc.
  • automatic deploy during the development

How to install

Prerequisites -you need maven, npm, git and an application server Java EE
Production mode
  1. clone the git project
  2. from the root of the project launch mvn package this generates a package named ROOT.war in the PROJECT/server/target directory
  3. you can deploy this package in your favourite application server. The Angular application should answer at the requests to https://localhost:8080
Development mode
  1. clone the git project
  2. You can start the server using your favourite IDE. The project uses a standard Maven directory structure. You need to configure the server to deploy the server.war artifact.
  3. from the PROJECT/client/src directory install the npm packages : npm install
  4. launch the client with ng serve. The client uses the port 4200 (default for Angular CLI) and you can navigate to https://localhost:4200

The result

The result is not particularly fancy. It show the result of a call to a Java REST service … but hey, you have a ready to go configuration based on Java EE and Angular that follows the Angular best practices.

How it works As for the previous


Client: contains the Angular project generated using Angular CLI (= top quality) Server: contains the Java EE project (very minimalistic, 1 REST service and 1 filter to avoid the CORS restrictions during the development). When we build the final package the angular project is build and the result saved in a directory that will be integrated in the Java EE build. During the development the two separate projects are deployed. For the production only 1 deployable war is generated. Here the details of the maven build phase:

            <id>install npm</id> 
            <id>build js</id> 

WebApp built by Marco using Java 21 - We don't store personal data - Hosting in Switzerland (no GAFAM)