logo of the category: spring-big.svg Enum Literals in Hibernate and JPA: A Surprisingly Astonishing Difference

Code review lessons. A simple question about a query challenged the online solutions. / 2025-02-02

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot vs Quarkus in 2025

Is Quarkus relevant in 2025? / 2025-02-01

Migration from Kotlin to Java, notes

Steps for the migration from Kotlin to Java, notes / 2025-01-27

Lombok and Java 23 compilation issues

How to fix the compilation error with Lombok and Java 23 / 2024-11-23

Apache NetBeans - clear the cache and rebuild maven indexes

Sometimes a cleanup can fix IDE issues / 2024-08-24

JPA FetchType.Eager is NOT a solution for n+1 queries issue

How to avoid n+1 queries between your entities / 2024-08-20

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot best practices and Spring pitfalls

Some tips to improve your Spring development / 2024-07-12

Spring Boot and Hibernate, measure the performances

How to configure hibernate to show execution performances / 2024-05-06

How to solve Port 8080 was already in use.

Find and stop the Java process / 2024-04-06

What are Java Patterns

What are Java patterns / 2024-04-04

Java 22 notes

What is coming with the new Java release / 2024-04-03

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Azure Storage Java tutorial

Learn how to easily integrate Azure Blob Storage into your Java application to store and retrieve markdown blog posts. A step-by-step guide. / 2024-04-01

Connect to MinIO using Java

Use MinIO as alternative to AWS S3 and Azure Storage / 2024-04-01

JPA, Spring and Kotlin: store a list or an array in a column of the database

How to use arrays in JPA using Kotlin / 2024-03-26

Java and Docker: setup parameters for speed and memory

Size your JVM for docker to avoid surprises / 2024-01-09

logo of the category: spring-big.svg How to deploy a Java and React webapp in one JAR/WAR

How to configure a fullstack React and Spring Boot application / 2024-01-08

Maven: How to skip tests in Java

Unit Tests - When Your Ex-Colleagues Haunt You Through Code / 2024-01-05

How to use PostgreSQL with WildFly and JBoss

Tutorial: Configuring PostgreSQL in WildFly and JBoss / 2024-01-05

logo of the category: spring-big.svg How to deploy a Java and Angular webapp in one JAR/WAR

How to configure a fullstack Angular and Spring Boot application / 2023-12-28

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Deploy Angular with Spring Boot in the same executable JAR

Tutorial: How to build an Angular 15 and Spring Boot 3 app in a single JAR. Maven configuration. / 2023-12-28

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot OpenAPI generator example

How to generate your REST methods and Spring controllers using OpenAPI / Swagger / 2023-12-28

logo of the category: spring-big.svg How to deploy a Spring Boot application with Docker and Java 21

Simple deploy of your Spring Boot app and check health with Docker Compose / 2023-12-19

How to force or override the version of a dependency in Maven

Override the version of a third party library in Maven / 2023-12-15

HttpClient: Example and improvements in Java 21

Java HttpClient example / 2023-12-11

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Force the use JAXB with Spring Boot

How to force Spring Boot to use JAXB and not Jackson / 2023-12-07

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Project checklists

/ 2023-12-06

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot tests: How to override the properties in your test class

How to define specific properties for a Spring Boot test class / 2023-11-21

logo of the category: spring-big.svg RestControllerAdvice: how to handle exceptions in Spring Boot

Organise and tests the exceptions using ControllerAdvice / 2023-11-16

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Building a Java Angular application tutorial and best practices

Step-by-step guide to building a full-stack Java and Angular application. Covers setup, deployment, error handling, and best practices for a production-ready app. / 2023-11-01

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot 3.1.2: This method cannot decide ... error

Causes and solutions for the Spring Boot 3.1.2 error: This method cannot decide whether these patterns are Spring MVC patterns or not. / 2023-08-14

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring: Autoconfiguration package and the missing JPA Entities (Not a managed type error)

Configure Spring Boot a multi module project with JPA entities in a different module. / 2023-04-23

logo of the category: spring-big.svg @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy examples in Java

How execute code when your Spring Boot application starts / end / 2023-04-07

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Deploy a Java Web App in DigitalOcean using GitHub Actions

How to deploy a maven application in DigitalOcean directly from GitHub / 2023-04-06

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot Liquibase Tutorial

Tutorial: use Liquibase with Spring to update your database / 2023-03-27

How to remember original Design patterns during a technical interview

Can each team member be linked to a Design Pattern? / 2022-03-15

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot Kafka example

How to quickly configure a Spring Boot - Kafka environment and create Topic, Consumer and Producer / 2022-02-28

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot: REST controller Test example

How to test the @RestController with Spring Boot / 2022-02-14

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot RestTemplate: test GET request with JSON body is not working

How to test your REST GET controller with Spring Boot / 2022-02-11

Java 18 new features - Simple Web Server

A basic web server for testing and education / 2022-02-02

Java Streams and Lambda quick introduction

Quick notes about Java Streams and Lambda expressions / 2022-01-27

logo of the category: spring-big.svg How to return a custom 404 or 410 with Spring Boot

How to create a custom error page in Spring Boot and fix the Whitelabel error page / 2022-01-14

How to reverse a String in Java

How to reverse a String in Java, for the interview and the fun / 2022-01-11

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot error message: Failed to configure a DataSource

Why the DataSource error appears and how to solve it / 2022-01-05

Spring Boot and MongoDB example

How to connect Spring Boot to MongoDB / 2022-01-04

Java 17: Map.Entry.copyOf

A new function introduced in Java 17 / 2022-01-04

Generate a sitemap with Java

Generate a sitemap with Java for your Website. / 2022-01-04

Eclipse setup for Java Development

First steps after installing Eclipse / 2022-01-01

Log4j - How to protect my application?

Is my application vulnerable? Which version should I use? Is Spring Boot impacted? / 2021-12-16

How to hot deploy a Spring Boot application

Hot deployment with Spring Boot? It is possible! / 2021-12-06

How to convert an array of bytes to a String in Java

How to convert byte[] to String and vice versa / 2021-11-30

Maven: install on mac. Tutorial for brew and the official method.

How to install Maven on mac using brew, tutorial using macOS Monterey - M1 / 2021-11-24

Spring Boot: How do I execute my code on startup?

Spring Boot: How do I execute my code on startup? / 2021-11-24

Spring: test your MySQL JPA with H2

How to test your repository using H2 when you use MySQL in production. / 2021-03-21

Fix the Whitelabel error in Angular and Spring Boot

How to solve the Whitelabel Error when a Javascript (React, Angular) application is deployed with Spring Boot / 2021-03-05

Add Grafana to your Spring / Quarkus application using Jelastic

Tutorial: add Grafana and Prometheus to a Spring Boot / Quarkus app using Jelastic / 2021-02-14

MariaDB root password error

How to solve the error 1064 (42000) when you install MariaDB / 2021-01-21

logo of the category: spring-big.svg MariaDB root password error

Solve the Access Denied for User root@localhost error / 2021-01-21

Spring Boot redirect and HTTP 301

Migration from Jekyll to Spring Boot / 2021-01-21

Spring Boot MariaDB connection and issues

How to connect Spring Boot to MariaDB / 2021-01-21

What is new and cool in Java

Java 8 -> Java 16 new features / 2021-01-21

Java Text Blocks

Text blocks - Migrating from Java 11 LTS to Java 17 LTS - Java 15 new feature / 2020-10-29

Java sealed classes

Sealed classes - Java 17 LTS new feature / 2020-10-29

Java 16

Java 16 new features / 2020-10-28

Java test preview features

Java test preview features / 2020-10-27

Java 15

Java 15 new features / 2020-10-27

Maven: find a package

Search a dependency in a maven tree / 2020-07-15

How to preview the new features in Java

How to use preview features in Java / 2020-01-23

Java Records, tutorial and code examples

Records in Java 14. Published in DZone. / 2020-01-23

Artificial Intelligence for Java: resources

AI and ML resources for Java developers / 2019-11-24

Java 14 new features

Whats new in Java 14 / 2019-11-19

Angular and Java Setup on Mac

Quick and easy install Java and Angular / 2019-11-17

Garbage collectors for the busy Java developer (10 min, no maths ;))

(Video + Slides) JavaZone Conference / 2019-10-01

Java 17 new feature: Teeing Collector

Teeing Collector examples. A Java 17 LTS new feature! / 2019-03-23

Calculate the difference between two dates in Java

Count the days between two dates / 2019-02-11

The final keyword in Java

The final keyword doesnt guarantee the immutabily of your objects. Its really performant? / 2019-02-03

Initialize a HashMap in Java - Best practices

HashMap initialization and best practices / 2019-01-10

Difference between protected and default/package access in Java

Visual memo of the access modifiers and controls / 2019-01-05

Configure nginx in Jelastic

Use compression with nginx / 2019-01-05

Deploy a WAR as root in WildFly

Deploy to / / 2019-01-04

Create a list of objects from a file using lambda expressions in Java

Read the file, create and sort the object list / 2019-01-04

Config files in Java EE / Jakarta EE using MicroProfile

How to store the configuration in external files? / 2018-11-14

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring common annotations meaning

What is this annotation doing in the code? / 2018-11-06

Blockchain: How to generate a SHA-256 hash with Java

Blockchain: How to generate a SHA-256 hash with Java / 2018-10-25

Whats new in Java 11

Here some of the new features of Java 11 with a direct impact on the daily development activity. / 2018-09-15

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot logging level

How to change the level of output / 2018-08-30

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Integration mail

How to send email using Spring Integration and create smtp unit tests / 2018-08-11

Comment déployer une application web en Java et Angular dans un seul artéfact JAR ou WAR

‘Comment configurer une application Angular et Spring Boot Full-Stack’ / 2018-04-26

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot, Caching and Hazelcast

How to add caching features with Hazelcast / 2017-11-20

Build, test and deploy with Jenkins

One click deploy your Java application (Java EE, Spring) / 2017-09-17

Create Cross-Origin requests (CORS)

How to allow communication between your Angular frontend and the Java Backend / 2017-07-13

logo of the category: spring-big.svg Spring Boot, React, Hello World tutorial

The Spring Boot - React tutorial is coming / 2017-07-11

logo of the category: spring-big.svg REST and Spring Boot: manage users rights with a custom Filter and properties

Simple solution when only few users have writing rights. / 2017-07-08

Java EE 8 - CDI 2.0: Events and Observers

Java EE 8 - CDI 2.0: Events and Observers / 2017-04-19

How to run java program in cmd

Start a java program from the command line / 2016-07-15