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Enum Literals in Hibernate and JPA: A Surprisingly Astonishing Difference
JPA, Spring and Kotlin: store a list or an array in a column of the database
GitLab: build and distribute your Java application using a Docker image
How to deploy a Spring Boot application with Docker and Java 21
How to force or override the version of a dependency in Maven
Spring Boot tests: How to override the properties in your test class
RestControllerAdvice: how to handle exceptions in Spring Boot
Building a Java Angular application tutorial and best practices
Spring: Autoconfiguration package and the missing JPA Entities (Not a managed type error)
How to remember original Design patterns during a technical interview
Spring Boot RestTemplate: test GET request with JSON body is not working
Maven: install on mac. Tutorial for brew and the official method.
Add Grafana to your Spring / Quarkus application using Jelastic
Garbage collectors for the busy Java developer (10 min, no maths ;))
Difference between protected and default/package access in Java
Create a list of objects from a file using lambda expressions in Java
Comment déployer une application web en Java et Angular dans un seul artéfact JAR ou WAR
REST and Spring Boot: manage users rights with a custom Filter and properties