Build the OpenJDK
Updated: 2019-01-31
Build the OpenJDK from the sources
In this tutorial we build OpenJDK version 12 for MacOSX.
Install Mercurial
Install brew :
brew install mercurial
You can test that everything is working with
hg --version
Clone the repository
Example for Java 12:
hg clone
... it will take a while ...
Here you can find the list of the available repositories:
When cloned, enter in the directory with the sources
cd jdk12
Verify that all the requirements are satisfied:
bash configure
Build the OpenJDK with
make images
At the end your image should be ready in the build folder, you can verify the version with:
./build/*/images/jdk/bin/java -version
openjdk version "12-internal" 2019-03-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 12-internal+0-adhoc.marco.jdk12)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 12-internal+0-adhoc.marco.jdk12, mixed mode, sharing)
Enjoy it and contribute! ;-)
[Unofficial GitHub Repo](Very useful to navigate the sources)