First docker version of the Java Spring Boot and Angular 2 - Hello World tutorial

Updated: 2016-09-20

I updated the basic example that you can find here:

Now it is compatible with docker. You can download the first version of the dockerfile here:

It’s only a first test and a lot of work is still needed but you can build it:

docker build -t my-java-app .

The source code and the dependencies are downloaded. When the build end you can launch the application:

docker run –rm -it -p 8080:8080  my-java-app java -jar /usr/src/myapp/angular2.jar


You can see the result on localhost:8080



Many people asked how to compile the project in eclipse … well, no need of eclipse or other IDE.

The procedure of creation of a unique war/jar is a bit complicated at the moment but only maven and npm are used. Typescript and npm compile the Angular files. Maven compile the java classes and build the jar/war including the backend (java) and frontend (javascript).

Personally I think that the frontend and backend should be developed in 2 separated projects.

WebApp built by Marco using Java 21 - Hosted in Switzerland