Ionic and Angular lifecycle

Updated: 2019-01-23

There is the excellent blog of ionic that shows how the lifecycle of a ionic component works.
Ionic Blog

Some problems could arise when ionic components are mixed with angular components.

A ionic component has the following lifecycle (creation only):

[ngOnInit]-> ionViewDidLoad -> ionViewWillEnter -> ionViewDidEnter

Angular OnInit precedes ionViewDidLoad.

If you initialise your component in ionViewDidLoad and your ionic component consumes some non ionic components you could have some surprises, e.g. ionic HomeComponent consumes angular SimpleComponent:

<ion-content padding> 
   <app-simple [message]="message"></app-simple> 
│                               │ 
│  HomeComponent                │ 
│                               │ 
│  ┌────────────────────────┐   │ 
│  │                        │   │ 
│  │    SimpleComponent     │   │ 
│  │                        │   │                     
│  └────────────────────────┘   │                                
│                               │ 

In this case the (simplified) lifecycle of the page is the following:

Home.onInit -> Simple.onInit -> Home.ionViewDidLoad -> Home.ionViewDidEnter

In our case we pass the value of 'message' to the angular component.

If this property is initialised in Home.ionViewDidLoad the SimpleComponent won't use it without a change detector ( in the angular component.

If the value of message is initialised and never changed, the change detector should be avoided.

Solutions for the initialisation of the property

  • Initialisation in the Ionic component constructor.
  • Initialisation in the Ionic OnInit method.
  • Initialise the property in Home.ionViewDidLoad and create the SimpleComponent only after the initialisation. e.g.: <app-simple *ngIf="initialisationCompleted" [message]="message"></app-simple>
  • Handle the change detection in SimpleComponent.

The last option is to avoid because of the added complexity and in many cases we simply don't have the possibility to change the component (external component).


Here you find a basic example of the problem discussed:

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