Whats new in Java 11
Updated: 2018-09-15
Some of the new features in Java 11
In this page we will list some of the new features of Java 11 (from 9 to 11) relevant for the daily activity of business application developers.
Local-variable type inference
With Java 11 is possible to declare local variable with type inference with initializer (keyword var).
// words is of type String[]
var words = new String[] {"abc", "def"};
Assertions.assertTrue(words instanceof String[]);
// the initializer is mandatory
// dataList is of type ArrayList
var dataList = new ArrayList();
Assertions.assertEquals("abc", dataList.get(0));
Assertions.assertEquals("def", dataList.get(1));
##Features in the String class
A new method lines() creates a Stream with the lines of the String.
public void stringCountTest() {
String text = "line 1\nline 2\nline3";
// the new lines method return a Stream
assertTrue(text.lines() instanceof Stream);
// each element in the stream represents a line of the input string
assertEquals(3, text.lines().count());
strip - stripLeading - stripTrailing
strip eliminates the whitespaces at the beginning and at the end of a String.
public void stripTest() {
String example = " leading and trailing spaces ";
assertEquals("leading and trailing spaces", example.strip());
assertEquals("leading and trailing spaces ", example.stripLeading());
assertEquals(" leading and trailing spaces", example.stripTrailing());
isBlank() returns true if the String is empty or it contains only whitespaces.
public void isBlankTest() {
assertTrue(" ".isBlank());
repeat composes a string repeating its content for a defined number of times.
public void repeatTest() {
assertEquals("abc abc abc ", "abc ".repeat(3));
assertEquals("", "abc ".repeat(0));
Optional get a new method to check if the value is not present: isEmpty()
public void isEmptyTest() {
Optional<Integer> evaluate = Optional.of(5);