Java EE Web Profile (EJB) quickstart tutorial with Maven, Intellij and Glassfish
Updated: 2012-09-30
This short tutorial has the goal to show how to start as fast as possible a new EJB project using IntelliJ and Maven.
- Create a new project from scratch
- Complete the form, you have to choose the Maven module
- Complete the Maven information
- Your project is created according to Maven standards
- Add Java EE dependencies, this step is necessary to create a Web Profile project, Intellij will download automatically the new artifact
We have to define the type of packaging we want in our maven config. Without declaring a packaging of type war the application won’t be deployed.
- Create a new Class, this class is of type Stateless (a Service for who comes from Spring)
- Edit the class, we do something very easy: a classical HelloWorld bean.
With the EE web profile we don’t need to create interfaces if we don’t access the stateless bean (service) from a different JVM.
- We create our web configuration. Add a web.xml file under WEB-INF
- The web.xml file is quite traditional, you can use one of the many templates on the web
- We can create now the managed bean, it’s the controller who manage the communication between the View (jsp) and the Model (EJB)
- The code of the controller is simple. The class is declared as @ManagedBean to allow the injection in the view. The EJB (Stateless class) is injected using the annotation. The getText method is exposed to the view.
- We can now create facelets page
- We call the view Hello.xhtml and we place it in the main webapp folder
- The interesting part of the code is the call to the helloMB managed bean. The @ManagedBean annotation previously used allow us to access easily to the bean.
- We connect to a local GlassFish server
- We use the web explosed facet to deploy our application
- We have to choose to which domain deploy our application (e.g. domain1)
- We can start the server. The application is deployed.