Vimeo service updates

Updated: 2022-01-24

Please note that these updates are for a self-service subscription and not for the Enterprise subscription.

This post is a summary of the new features officially announced by Vimeo for his products.

I’m using a lot of services provided by Vimeo and I like to know what’s new with the products available. Vimeo is trying to become the best video service and there are frequent updates.

January 24, 2022 - Vimeo Create - Slice effect

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The image is chopped by the AI, the cut can change according to the image.

January 20, 2022 - Vimeo Create - Major editor features

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There is more control for stickers and text in the video. It’s now possible to choose when a text / sticker appears or disappears from the video.

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Quickly duplicate scenes without remaking them.

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It’s now possible to cut video. The feature will split a scene into 2 video, these will editable independently.

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