Project checklists

Updated: 2023-12-06

ℹ️ Draft: I only started this post recently, it will be updated soon

In this page I try to describe step-by-step what is needed to build a fullstack application with Java (Spring Boot) and Angular.

This is a minimalistic approach that is running successfully in production in some international companies. There are multiple approaches and architecture possible and there is no 'best solution' only solutions that work best in your context.

This is a permanent work in progress project, I'll add links and video and update them. For any suggestion or contribution you can contact me.

The basis of your project


  • [] Add the IDE specific directories and files in .gitignore
  • [] Add static code analyzers like SonarLint (important), Checkstyle etc. Usually they are available as plugins.

Before Pull Requests

  • [] Pull from master to synch your local branch and avoid merge conflicts.
  • [] Check that Sonar / other static analysis statistics you didn't add code smells or bugs. Eventually add a gate to block the request.

After Pull Request

  • [] Check that merged branches are automatically removed or remove manually.
  • [] Pull the code in your environment, switch branch and remove the merged one.
  • [] Close the issue / user story if not done automatically.

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